The International Fujian Flying Crane Fist™ Association

The international Fujian Flying Crane Fist™ Association was created to honor, preserve and disseminate the teachings of the late Great grandmasters Lee Kiang-Kay and Lee Joo-Chian. As per their wishes, the association has been mandated to preserve and standardize teachings in relation to our beloved Flying Crane style of Fujian White Crane Kung Fu. The association seeks to re-group instructors and disciples of the past patriarchs and their disciples so as to standardize, share and promote Fujian Chow An Flying Crane. Furthermore, the association seeks to ensure that technical standards and teaching methods are maintained and oversee that ethical standards be upheld. The association has an instructor program and is always seeking serious candidates. To find more about the International Fujian Flying Crane Fist™ Association or its instructor programs, you can contact Master Lorne Bernard through the contact button below.

Mr. Wong Chu-Ling

Honorary chairman & senior advisor

Mr. Chiong Siung-Guan

Senior advisor

Mr. Ting Tiong-Kung

Senior advisor

Mr. Wong Kin-Teck

Senior advisor

Mr. Lorne Bernard

President & Lion dance coach

Mr. Ting Si-Seng

Vice president

Mrs. Hii Suok-Ing

Special Lee family advisor

Serena lee

Lee family liaison

Lee Tse-Hua

Lee family liaison

Mary Lee

Lee family liaison

Lee Tse-Wei

Lee family liaison

Mr. Hung Shung-Hie

Senior public relations

Mr. Chan Chong-Ming

Public relations and lion dance advisor

Mr. Ling Yew-Seng

Public relations and lion dance advisor

Mr. Sia Puong-Kiong

Public relations and Sibu Instructor

Mr. William Lee

Pulic relations advisor

Mr. Jimmy Yiu

Public relations advisor

Mr. Mario Lizée

Treasurer/ public relations

MR. Étienne Métayer

Lei tai aviser / coach

Mr. Jeremy Tan

Special liaison officer

Mr. John Jackson

United States representative

Mr. Paul De Tourreil

Public relations/ Special events Canadian coordinator



MASTER Chiu Kwok-Chung

Special overseas advisor
Buck Sing Choy Lay Fut

HANSHI John Thérien

Canadian Special advisor
President - World Kobudo Federation

MASTER Pedro Cepero-Yee



Regina Lee, RIP

Lee family liaison


 Member schools & Headmasters

Master Lorne Bernard

Académie White Crane Kung Fu-Flying Crane Fist- Laval

Master Karl Hérard-Francois

Académie White Crane Kung Fu-Flying Crane Fist-Montreal Ville LaSalle

Master Claude Rose

Académie White Crane Kung Fu-Flying Crane Fist-Montreal Rosemont

Master Étienne Métayer

Académie White Crane Kung Fu-Flying Crane Fist- St-Jerome

Master John Jackson

White Crane Kung Fu Academy-Flying Crane Fist- Poughkeepsie USA

Master Sia Puong-Kiong

Sibu White Crane Kung Fu

Master Johnny Ting

Sibu White Crane Kung Fu


 Active Certified instructors (Canada)

Alexa D’Aliesio

Carla Baquiran

Philippe Bouchard


Mario Lizée

Richard Pacheco